
In its 23 years of existence, KB Fitness has transformed the lives of over 8,000 people.

Then the pandemic hit. A martial arts school that was solely dependent upon the presence of students inside the sacred dojo could no longer offer London Kickboxing classes.

Within hours of the announcement of the first lockdown, Chief Instructor Kelly KB had a plan in place to carry on offering the highest standard of teaching to her students.

It all started with Facebook live videos, then Zoom was also incorporated.

Many members could not cope with the pressures that the lockdown and the pandemic brought, some unfortunately lost their jobs. This of course, resulted in KB Fitness experiencing many losses too.

But there was also a lot to gain. The same as many other companies, KB Fitness learned to navigate the online-only world and carried on offering online martial arts classes with the support of the members, and the hope that they would gather once again in the dojo and ki-ai in unison once more.

One of the biggest gains was that ex-members who trained in London Kickboxing classes in the past, and moved away, were given a new opportunity to re-join the school.

Classes were online out of necessity during that period. The great majority of members also felt having a sense of normality was a necessity, so they stayed and supported the school. To Kelly’s delight, many members who had trained under her tutelage years before, decided to return from all over the world.

Thomas, who was leaving London to go back home to Germany, decided to stay. Emma, who had trained at KB over 15 years ago, joined from South Africa. Caroline joined from Belgium, Chloe from Switzerland and Tim from Chicago, among many others.

“Training online from Chicago during lockdown was a godsend. It wasn’t just the physical and mental boost I got as a parent under tough circumstances, connecting with a supportive, well-structured and enthusiastic community was a huge benefit also. I still train from 4,000 miles away because of things like the vast archive of classes I can use, including the separate strength-based classes with Dee, the pull of the community support and even things like the effort to make sure live classes are well managed on the technical side. I’d sooner train KB remotely on the other side of the world than take up a gym membership locally,” said Tim.

Indeed, for many, KB Fitness’ Kickboxing classes were a lifeline in a world that had suddenly turned upside down.

After lockdown was lifted, KB Fitness found a new dojo from which to offer London Kickboxing classes and decided to keep offering online Kickboxing classes to the international and local members alike.

Tim and Caroline visited the London dojo this past month and were welcomed with enthusiastic smiles and high fives.

Whether you live in London, or elsewhere in the world, you are welcome at KB Fitness. Whether these are London Kickboxing classes near me, or not that near, we look forward to meeting you and help you achieve your true potential.

Are you keen to be part of the KB Family? Book your Free Kickboxing trial today.




Over the years, Chief Instructor Kelly Bunyan (KB) has shared her wisdom with KB members in the form of the KB monthly newsletter, which is available only to members and is the central topic of the news article entitled KB Monthly Inspirations.




KB Fitness members who have achieved both the KB Kickboxing Black Belt and KB Kung Fu Black Sash are part of the ‘KB Elite Squad’. These dedicated students have achieved this excellent standard under the tutelage of Chief Instructor Kelly Bunyan (KB).




Chief Instructor Kelly Bunyan (KB) recently organised a KB Kickboxing White Belt Grading social like no other. Breaking away from tradition, KB members wore not only their new white belts, but every belt they had earned throughout their martial arts journey. This fun twist on the usual post-grading celebration meant members wearing up to seven different belts all at the same time – a very colourful display!



Our members suggest you join KB Fitness to … “get fit, recharge, release endorphins, look forward to exercise, learn something new, have a great work-life balance, set goals, be addicted to boosting your well-being.” Jane mentions that the teaching team cares, it’s true, we really do. We want to motivate and lift you to a whole new high. Fancy benefiting in the same way?